Where We Work
The ICCF Group has offices in the United States (ICCF U.S.), Africa (ICCF Kenya), Europe (ICCF-UK), Asia (ICCF Indonesia), and Latin America (ICCF Colombia).
Each ICCF office is established as a separate legal entity, registered in the host country, with its own Board of Directors. These entities have charitable status in their respective countries, and their role is to further the mission of the ICCF Group.
These separate legal entities are bound by a collaboration agreement that ensures a common purpose for all.
In PictureParliamentary leaders from around the world convene in Washington, D.C. for the ICCF Mount Vernon International Conservation Caucus Summit.
In the United States
In Washington, D.C., ICCF advances U.S. leadership in international conservation through public and private partnerships and developing the next generation of conservation leaders in the U.S. Congress.
Learn MoreIn PictureCongressional Hearing on Capitol Hill to highlight wildlife trafficking in Africa and the threats illegal activities such as poaching abroad pose to U.S. national security.

United Kingdom
ICCF-UK is a registered incorporated charity with the mission to advance British leadership in international conservation through public-private partnerships and developing the next generation of parliamentary conservation leaders.
Learn MoreIn PictureParliamentarians Barry Gardiner and Theo Clarke, Co-Chairs of the APPG on International Conservation, at the AZL conservation zoo in London, England.

The ICCF Group has facilitated the establishment of parliamentary conservation caucuses in countries across Africa and is collaborating with each of these coalitions of policymakers to strengthen governance across several key natural resource sectors.
Learn MoreIn PictureParticipants at a regional mission in Kenya, hosted by the ICCF team in Africa.

The ICCF Group is expanding its model of supporting parliamentary conservation and oceans caucuses throughout the ASEAN region to further the strategic priorities of legislative leaders throughout Asia.
Learn MoreIn PictureHon. Sudin at the launch of the Indonesian caucus (Kaukus Kelautan) in July of 2020.

Latin America & the Caribbean
The ICCF Group has facilitated the establishment of congressional conservation caucuses in Brazil, Colombia, Peru, and Mexico and of a regional conservation caucus of countries belonging to the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS).
Learn MoreIn PictureSenator Germán Blanco, Co-Founder and Co-Chair of the conservation caucuses in the Congress of the Republic of Colombia.
Our Global Presence
Now supporting 20+ nonpartisan parliamentary groups across the globe, the ICCF Group advances nonpartisan leadership in conservation by building political will among parliamentary leaders while supporting the management of protected areas through its International Conservation Corps programs.
Legislative outcomes, public-private partnerships, and land management resulting from our work demonstrate our model provides cost-effective and resilient solutions to the most pressing conservation challenges faced by governments today.
Legislative Caucus supported by the ICCF Group
Regional Headquarters