The ICCF Group in Africa
Conservation Caucuses across Africa
The ICCF Group is working in East, Southern, and Central Africa to foster political will for conservation and support the sustainable management of natural resources.
In PictureMembers of Parliament from Mozambique at a judiciary workshop hosted by the ICCF Group on wildlife trafficking.
The ICCF Group coordinates high-level political engagement with expertise on conservation strategies and solutions; facilitates interactions between U.S. and international policymakers, conservation organizations, and government agencies; and seeks to leverage and integrate resources in support of sustainable natural resource management policies.
To strengthen governance across key natural resource sectors.
The ICCF Group has facilitated the establishment of parliamentary conservation caucuses in countries across Africa and is collaborating with each of these coalitions of policymakers to strengthen governance across several key natural resource sectors.
Forums for Expertise and Partnerships
ICCF-supported caucuses enable, inform, and strengthen policymakers in their commitment to conservation. They provide a forum for a broad range of stakeholders to share expertise with policymakers and develop public-private partnerships, to strengthen and harmonize laws and policies, and to work out solutions among competing interests.
Conservation caucuses link the local, national, and international levels of governance to ensure the implementation of best practices in natural resource management.
Regional and Transfrontier Collaboration
Across Africa, ICCF-supported caucuses are engaged in regional inter-parliamentary collaboration and supporting Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCAs), which have been established in Southern Africa to collaboratively manage shared natural resources across international boundaries, targeting improved regional economic development and improved biodiversity conservation.
As parliamentarians play a critical role in the development and implementation of policies related to biodiversity conservation, natural resource management, and community development, involving them in the awareness raising process for regional challenges and in the management of TFCAs may result in the development of policies that are better aligned with the needs and aspirations of local communities and that promote sustainable development.
ICCF-supported caucuses are engaged in national and regional capacity building efforts to promote cohesion on policies looking at issues focused on environmental and biodiversity conservation and management - terrestrial and marine, climate change, plastic pollution, and the need for a circular economy.
Parliamentary Groups Supported by the ICCF Group
- Botswana Conservation Parliamentary Caucus
- Parliamentary Conservation Caucus - Kenya
- Malawi Parliamentary Conservation Caucus
- Mozambican Parliamentary Conservation Caucus
- South African Legislators for the Environment
- Tanzanian Parliamentary Friends of the Environment Caucus
- Zambian Parliamentary Caucus on Environment and Climate Change
In PictureJill Barasa (left), ICCF Africa's Program Director, welcomes Mr. Mprokonso, Public Relations Officer, National Assembly of Zambia.