On March 29, 2023, ICCF Mexico and the Chamber of Deputies hosted a roundtable on the role of women in climate action.

The discussion was led by Deputy Edna Diaz, President of the Climate Change Committee and Co-Chair of the Mexican Ocean Caucus (MOC), and Deputy Marcela Guerra, Vice-President of the Board and Founder of the MOC.

With the support of The ICCF Group, the Deputies brought together a panel of five women leaders in climate action.

The roundtable was moderated by Eleonora Aranda, Mexico Program Director for ICCF. Discussions highlighted the importance of mainstreaming the gender perspective in climate action at different territorial areas, from the international to the local. In addition, the participants highlighted the key contribution of women in particular areas such as the conservation and restoration of blue carbon ecosystems, including mangroves.

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