ICCF hosted a panel discussion on Conservation in the Amazon and the Amazon Parliament (PARLAMAZ), moderated by Dr. Jaime Cavelier, ICCF Group Vice President of Strategic Partnerships.

ICCF hosted a panel discussion on Conservation in the Amazon and the Amazon Parliament (PARLAMAZ), moderated by Dr. Jaime Cavelier, ICCF Group Vice President of Strategic Partnerships.

Topics included opportunities for creating coherent public policies across the Amazon region to facilitate enforcement and the scale-up of a sustainable bioeconomy, with a dialogue among delegations from Brazil, Colombia, and Peru, together with private-sector and multilateral representatives.

Panelists included: Hon. Karol Paredes, Congresswoman and Vice-President of the Amazon Parliament, Peru; Hon. Germán Blanco, Senator of the Republic of Colombia; Hon. Carlos Ardila, House Representative of the Republic of Colombia, Vice President for Colombia in the Amazon Parliament; Hon. Socorro Neri, House of Representatives of the Republic of Brazil, Vice-President of the Amazon Parliament; Mr. Fabio Arjona, Vice-President and Colombia Country Director for Conservation International; Hon. Joenia Wapichana, President of FUNAI, Co-founder, Brazil Parliamentary Caucus on Conservation and Sustainable Production; Hon. Rodrigo Agostinho, President of IBAMA, Co-founder, Brazil Parliamentary Caucus on Conservation and Sustainable Production.

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Now supporting 20+ nonpartisan groups across the globe, the ICCF Group advances nonpartisan leadership in conservation by building political will among parliamentary leaders while supporting the management of protected areas through its International Conservation Corps programs.

Legislative outcomes, public-private partnerships, and land management resulting from our work demonstrate our model provides cost-effective and resilient solutions to the most pressing conservation challenges faced by governments today.

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